Monday, December 22, 2014

Pay it Forward Time Card Cash In #1

So it happened. Somebody actually cashed in the Pay It Forward Time Card. Now the person who cashed it in was a natural to be the first one to do so, since she persists in being first in line at everything she does.
So when I got the order (not a request, an order, like at the drive up window) ......... I didn't have a good excuse to not show up. So my obligatory nature forced me to say, "yes, I will be there because you have the card." Besides, I actually do like the person and don't mind hanging out with her. (Had to make that clear in case she reads this. Although she probably won't ever get around to it because she is too busy being first in line.)

Then I found out what we were going to do. It's probably a good thing I didn't know what my card holding friend was going to ask of me before I agreed to show up, because large crowded rooms of people are not my forte. Large groups contain a huge proportion of extroverts (including my friend) who are energized by social activity while we introverts lurk about the edge of the room with uneasy smiles and eyebrows that say, "I'm uncomfortable, and I can't wait to leave." She had the time card and I made a promise.

Since we decided to meet for dinner prior to the meeting, I made sure to arrive amply early so I could get a glass of liquid social skills (aka LSS)  before I had to go hang with strangers. She brought two other very nice ladies along, which was great because once I had known them for an hour and an LSS, they weren't strangers anymore. It's amazing how the LSS works for me.

So off we go to this meeting and it was incredible. And NO, it was not a cult. Just some good motivational talk. My LSS held up just enough to get me through and I didn't have to talk to that many people directly anyway. Just lots of hand shakes and it's nice to meet you's. Thankfully nobody had time to ask me stupid questions like, " what do you do?" to which I always reply, "When? " What I do really does depend on what day it is and what time of day it is.

Now the interesting thing about this cash in (so far the only cash in) is that my friend didn't use the card exactly as it was meant be used. (I don't why I would be surprised by this, since she has a rep of always going the unusual route.)  I was supposed to help her do something, and I'm pretty sure that me and my LSS weren't all that helpful to anyone there. In this case, the person holding the card was more interested in investing something in me, and alas, the table was turned. She wanted me to know that things could be better and that she was willing to step up and be part of it. The relationship changed from a "How can I help you?" relationship to a "I'm here to support you!" relationship in both directions.

So that's the first story of the Time Card. If the others bear this much fruit, my 2015 can only be fantastic. Which would be awesome, because frankly, I think I am due for a good year.

Hope and peace! lw .

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

That Puffy Chair

Most of us have a favorite chair. My favorite puffy recliner is at my acupuncture place. I try to schedule my appointments so that my favorite chair will be available. I get annoyed when someone else is in the chair. I get over it but I can't help wishing that person would just leave.  It's the softest chair in the place, and it fits me perfectly. Not to wide and just wide enough for my fat butt to feel uncrowded. I look forward to that chair every time I go. It allows me to forget my lot for a moment and just take in a little air.

If I get to the chair first, the chair's value doesn't change just because I got there the fastest. If I mark it as mine and guard it from everyone else, the chair is not affected but I lose the opportunity to share something I value. If I abuse the chair, the chair is damaged and I lose the opportunity to enjoy it again later. 
If I take a deep breath and fall into the chair, letting it's puffy softness welcome me in a giant puffy hug while I exhale my troubles into the air, I get best the chair has to offer. It comforts me and offers me a place to relax my soul and just be.

There are puffy chairs all around: friends you love, activities that build you up, places where your soul is refreshed. Get the best these times and places have to offer. The comfort and joy will come when you relax with them like the favorite puffy chair. 

Peace! lw. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

If Holiday Ads Were Real

Alas, those holiday commercials are in full swing. They start earlier every year. This year I noticed some before Halloween. The commercials tell us that we will be happier when we are buying stuff, giving stuff, eating lots of food, and returning stuff that we didn't need or want anyway. Somehow they are convincing us with  pictures of happy children singing perky carols that it's OK to accumulate more stuff.

What if holiday commercials depicted reality?

What if the grocery store's commercial showed the lovely holiday dinner surrounded by a family of snarky half drunk adults, ill mannered children, and texting teens wearing headphones?

What if the credit card company's ads could show kids opening presents Christmas morning while stressed out parents drank really strong coffee and then,  follow it with Dad opening the bill in January and falling over with a heart attack?'s not that great!


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Paying it Forward with Time Shares

Holiday gift giving drives me crazy! I hate shopping, writing cards,  traffic, wrapping, and worst of all I hate trying to figure out what to give this friend or that relative, etc. I hate it. It's sucks my time away from me and at the end of the holidays I just feel tired, financially drained, and like it wasn't worth it. Most of us have too much stuff anyway and I hate the idea of contributing more stuff to an already over stuffed world. 

This year, after a great deal of contemplation, I think I have come up with the perfect and certainly most creative holiday gift. Rather than spend my time shopping, driving, wrapping, blah, blah, blah, why don't I just give the time to people in my  life who make living better than bearable. After all, time is my most valued commodity why not pay it forward putting a little of my time into someone else's bank. Once I give it, it's gone. I can't get it back so what I do with it should be something worth doing. What's more worth doing than helping the people in your world who make life all worth it?

So I put the idea on a business card. Anyone that I would  give a Holiday gift to this year will get a simple black and white card offering them a chunk of my time. The front of the card identifies me as a "Time Sharer" and gives my contact info. The back of the card gives the reasonable fine print.  See below. 
The card gives someone important to me permission, not only to ask for help with no strings attached, but also to inconvenience me a little without feeling bad about it. 

The Time Card has it's limitations. It doesn't necessarily work for people who live far away . I wouldn't give it to my mother or my boss (the obligations there could get touchy). I certainly wouldn't offer my time to anyone that I wasn't pretty damn sure wasn't an ax murderer. 

I didn't put an expiration date on it either, although, I am trying to remember to put a date on the card so I can see how long it takes to get it back. I wonder what will be asked of me, if anything. Will a relationship be transformed or unchanged? Will people think I'm super looney  and toss the card aside? Will my offers be lost forever in the depths of someone's purse or wallet?   Will the cards come back to me years from now? 
For the moment, it remains to be seen. Stayed tuned. 
Peace! lw

Here's what is on the back of the Time Card.
