Sunday, January 3, 2016

Why Dogs Don't Have Snowball Fights

I have never seen dogs have snowball fights. They roll in it, eat it, dig it, pee on it, and run with joy through it.  It is because they can't make snowballs? Clearly not, since my own dog can make a snowball in a few seconds. (See video.) As you can see he makes himself a very nice snowball, complete with tennis ball center,  which he dumps in front of me as a request to throw it for him. If you put this video on repeat, it would be a synopsis of my snowy morning with Pi:  make snowball, drop it, watch it go, retrieve it, repeat process again and again. 

While he is great at making the snowball, he has no concept of how to throw it. If he did throw it, he would simply retrieve it for himself. The thought of throwing something at anyone (dog or human) simply doesn't occur in his world. That's the answer! Enjoy the snow today.  I know the dogs are. 

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