Monday, June 20, 2016

If I Bought a Boat.......

I read somewhere that if you have five really good friends over your lifetime, you are fortunate. I am blessed enough to have SEVEN women in my power circle. These are the people who are there when I need them and when I don't think I need them. When I don't need them they are there anyway because even the best days are better when shared. These ladies celebrate what works and comfort me when things don't turn out.  Not all of them know everyone in the circle and yet, they compliment each other, providing a diverse sounding board, and even more diverse skill sets and concerns.

If I said I wanted a boat they would all respond differently. (I won't use their real names. It protects their privacy and creates a mystery for them.)

Anna would quiz me about why I wanted the boat. She would present me a list of options including styles for different uses, where to purchase, and where I could get the best deal. She would have all the details lined out including pricing and she would circle her top three picks. Her feelings would be hurt if I didn't choose one of her options. Since she is good with details, I would likely choose one of her options.

Bea would tell me I deserved the boat. She would talk to me about how the boat would improve my well-being. She would listen to my dream without shooting it down.   She might not be the first one in the boat. She would want proof that the boat was sea worthy first.

Carla would help me with the logistics and financing. She would know where to store it and how much it would cost. She would want to give the boat a spiritual name that would protect me from evil. I would let her do that.

Dana would buy me a life jacket, point out the local boating safety classes, and give me stats on how many people had died in boating accidents in the last ten years She would make sure I was careful. She would probably never actually get into the boat, and she wouldn't tell me not to.

Ella would plan a boat launch party. She would crack the bottle on the bow and cheer. She would be the first one in the boat with me. She would say, "Go faster!" and "Use my bottle opener."

Fran would make sure I was dressed properly for the occasion. She would school me in maritime etiquette and chastise me if I wasn't polite. She's a good swimmer, so she would get in the boat.

Gwen would pack the first aid kits and food. Everything would be water tight and useful. I would not go hungry and there would be extra snacks for the dogs. Nothing would go to waste.  She is always prepared and would make sure I had sunscreen.

That's how this group operates!! In addition, to this power group I have about ten others who would show up at that boat launch party and few who could help me maintain the boat too.

When I came to Portland in '97, I had not one friend. I remember what it was like. A lonely place to which I do not wish to return.  How could I survive without them? I used to think I wanted to be independent. I have learned that independence is not all it's cracked up to be.

If you are lucky enough to have a few power friends, ask yourself what they would say if you said you wanted a __________ ( you can fill in the blank.) Their responses will tell you who they are to you.

Pi and his friend Otter. Dog's have pals too! 

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