Wednesday, November 5, 2014

You think it's funny, but it's snot.

I have a cold. It's terrible. Not terrible enough to keep me from going to work, just terrible enough to make everyone I work with miserable too. I don't mind the fact that I am tired but I would like to be able to breathe. Not breathing is a problem. I tried breathing some oxygen from our anesthetic machine today. I thought maybe more oxygen would be helpful......... it wasn't.

I hate being sick. In my family, if you were sick it was considered a sign of weakness. Sicknesses were required to be ignored as long as possible. To get out of going to school, my mother required bleeding, barfing, or a fever over 101 F. If you could not produce one of these effects to her satisfaction before the bus came, you went to school even if she had to carry you to the bus stop and dump you there. As a result, I spent a few days in the nurse's office while the nurse made many attempts to contact my mother to retrieve me.

I will be miserable for a week, somewhat miserable for another week, and then it will be over until I catch it again. Unless it kills me.
Achoo! lw

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