My neighbor had a very large tree in her yard. The evergreen tree was probably three stories high. Since the tree was not particularly well maintained her insurance company told her to cut it down as it was a danger to her home. She did. (Sad face.) I liked the tree.
Now the tree is gone. Even if we wanted it back, it's not possible to plant a three story tree. Even if we could dig one up somewhere, haul it over, and put it in a hole in the ground it would fall without the root system that it took years to build. That's the thing about trees. You can plant a seed or sapling or even a small tree, but putting up a really large tree in an instant, and expecting it to live, just isn't done
A sapling, on the other hand, is movable. We can put it just about anywhere there is earth and water. With some care and kindness, it grows into a tree. If we plant many and wait a long time, we have an orchard or perhaps a forest.
The key to having the forest, the orchard, or just one big ass tree is long term commitment and good old fashioned patience. No matter how hard I want it, the tree won't grow any faster than it's meant to. The root system is the intricate life force and stability of the mighty tree. Roots are a product of time.
Integrity is like that root system. Our integrity provides the stability and foundation that keeps us upright especially when the storms come. I am challenging myself to walk a walk of integrity, to be authentic, and remain standing even when the winds are trying to blow me over. Nobody said it would be easy. In fact, it's not easy. I suppose that I hold out hope that as the root system grows this tree will become more stable (if I live long enough.)
In the words of my favorite band Misty River's song "Branching Out" from their album Stories:
"When I grow up I wanna be a tree........ when spring comes by, I'm gonna get real green....on windy days I'll bend and lean.......If I should fall in storm or slumber, please don't turn me into lumber, I'd rather be a Lousiville Slugger......
You can click on the link below to hear Misty River sing this song! Hopefully they don't sue me for me putting a quote about them in this blog. I did buy most of the their albums AND concert tickets.
Peace! lw
Great story. I, too have a neighbor about to cut down a big beautiful pine in their (our) backyard. Change can be wrenching, but inevitable.