I took a 3 week part time engagement, nothing like the place I usually work. It's not like a really wanted to work there full time. I love the job I have now. The change of pace was welcome and the opportunity to work with with lizards, rabbits, rats, skunks, and guinea pigs was fun and stimulating.
While the little animals were a blast, the real bonus was the new found confidence. Even though I have been pretty sure of myself at my regular place of work for some time, proving useful in spite of the fact that I had no clue where to find things, or how to work the their paperless medical record system, or anything about these veterinarian's particular protocols, was a real boost. Most of the staff was quite a bit younger than me. I knew tons of things they didn't. So I shared!
When you take a really short term assignment, your motivation to learn a lot of protocols is not. I learned as much as was absolutely necessary to function. Still, I used every veterinary skill I know how to use. My skills were respected and I was trusted to do more on my own without supervision than a relief tech would normally be allowed to do. I got called "amazing" for simply not being an idiot. Which just goes to show you that there are a lot of idiots in the world.
Would have been easy to simply judge the doctors and staff as being "not as good as the place I usually work" and just get by with them through the commitment. In the end, no relationships would have been formed, no teaching, and no learning. What a waste that would have been. Instead, I chose to accept the differences for what they were. When I left them today, the atmosphere was one of mutual respect, appreciation, handshakes, and hugs. I am sure I will help them again sometime and we will be happy to work together again.
Peace! lw
Chorny Rabbit |
Gunner Bearded Dragon |
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