Monday, July 18, 2016

Swing the Bat

I was reminded by someone who cares about me that we are all in the batting cage of life. Some people cry and cower in the corner. Some people run screaming from the cage and into traffic. Some of us are more resilient and just stand there. "I'm not afraid," I say. I don't run or cry or cower. I stand my ground while the fiery balls of life pummel my noggin. Thunk!

"Swing the bat! Pick it up," she said,"and swing."  Maybe you hit something and if you don't hit a damn thing you are no worse off. You have taken some action to improve yourself or your situation and whether it's a home run or bunt doesn't matter as much as the fact that action was taken. Stop worrying about always doing just the right thing and just do SOMETHING.

"Swing the Bat" has become my mantra. When the balls are flying at me, I ask myself what action can I take to protect myself from a concussion while still standing my ground.

       What help can be given or sought? 
          What options can be weighed?
            What grace can I grant to myself or another? 
              What choices can be made?

                 Swing the Bat! 

Disclaimer: Swing the bat is a metaphor for life. In no way do I endorse the swinging of bats at any human or animal. 

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