Monday, November 21, 2016

Win or ..........

Last weekend I raced the boys with a small club from Seattle. I turned down other club’s offers to play. The boys probably would have scored higher point totals had I played with those other teams.  Regardless, I chose well.  

This little group needed us to have enough players to enter.  They needed the dog’s speed to score points. They needed my experience to help brainstorm some running orders.

As a result, we placed well both days, in spite of an incorrect seeding into a faster division where we were sure we’d be creamed into oblivion.  As a bonus, we helped a dog reach his 5000th point. If you know about flyball, you may think this is nothing, but for Doogie and his little team, it was 8 years coming. Our being there made a difference, and we had a really great time.

I remind myself, that the dogs do not care how many points they score. They care about running fast, a ball, a yummy reward, and the praise and scratches I shower on them each time they run and fetch.  They care about zooming around with their “doggie friends”. If you asked them how many races they won, you would, maybe, get a head cock.

Unlike them, I count the points we score. I like to win because being the loser kinda sucks.  I challenge myself and my readers to be people who choose "make a difference" over "surefire win"  in all areas of our lives. I ponder the notion that maybe in the grander scheme of existence, "make a difference" = "win" no matter the final score.

Peace! lw
FYI - The photos were taken by David Eastman. He was paid for his downloads. 
Doogie, Nov. 16, 5K Points

Sonic, Sept 16, 20K points

Pi, Sept 16, 40K points

1 comment:

  1. I am so very excited for Doogie...the team you ran with from Seattle is also one of the kindest teams in the region. They are wonderful, true sportspeople. I absolutely adore the team, their attitudes towards their canine partners, the sport of flyball and their fellow humans. I am grateful to know all of them and to be a part of their lives!
