Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sometimes it's a race..........

The race is flyball ....... the journey is getting a Grand Champion or 30,000 points.

Flyball is the only dog sport where 4 dogs must work in harmony with 4 handlers and the box loader to reach two common goals. Goal #1 is to out race the other team, and goal #2 is to post a time under 24 seconds. The ultimate goal being to accomplish Goal #1 and #2 simultaneously for the "perfect run."

Pi loves this game. It's his life. The best thing is that we love it together. When we go to competition, we forget about everything else. I put away concerns about work and turf my personal struggles for a weekend. Pi's focus changes from day to day living to that of a fine tuned ball fetching beast.  WE RACE! Sometimes we win. Sometimes we don't. Either way we work together, a team within a team. We come home dirty, tired, and smelling like sweat, dog spit, and old cheese sticks, and we don't care.  In a few weeks and just after his 7th birthday, we will compete in Canada for Pi's 30,000th point earning him a Flyball Dog Grand Champion title. So while in flyball there is always a race, it's been a journey indeed to get this far. We remember that in flyball you don't get there alone. A TEAM must take you there.

Thanks to all the handlers, dogs, and boxloaders, past and present, from many different clubs who have traveled with us on this journey.You are too numerous to name but you know who you are.
Our biggest thanks goes to our current X-Fidos team mates. We love racing with you guys most of all. Look for the update in a few weeks.
Peace! lw

p.s. I must pay homage to Pi's medical team. After he was injured last June, I thought his career might be seriously stalled or even over. Thanks for looking after Pi and helping us get him back in the ring. You're an  important part of  Team Pi.
Note from Pi: Last week I had a check up with Dr. Mento and today Dr. Valentine checked me out again.  Clean bill of health times 2! Thanks for looking after me even though I hate the vet. Pi


  1. Go Pi! You are already a champion in my eyes. Good luck in Canada!
