Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Doing the "Right" Thing

Why is it that when presented with the opportunity to "do the right thing",  I am  so often presented with the opportunity to do the most difficult thing? What is it about the universe that makes doing what is wrong easy enough and doing absolutely nothing even simpler?

We all make sacrifices now and then. Sacrifice implying that whatever deed is done is not necessarily in the best interest of the doer. We do what is ethical, say what is true, keep a promise that should be kept knowing that we may not receive even simple gratitude.

And so I ask myself often why I continue to do what is right when I don't get much return for the investment.
The answer:  because that is who I am.

"See, you don’t have to think about doing the right thing if you are for the right thing then you’ll do it without thinking.” Maya Angelou

Peace! lw

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